Brenton Duhan

Artist Bio:
Brenton Duhan is a designer and student living in New Haven, Connecticut. He earned his BA from Brown University and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in architecture at Yale University. He fell in love with clay in high school and escapes to the ceramic studio every chance he can get. You can find more of his work at studiobdu.com or @studiobdu on Instagram.
Artist Statement:
An undulating line, expressed in space, has become the basis of my work. I aim to preserve the memory of the plastic clay through the act of sculpting, stamping, carving, or otherwise altering. The majority of my work is handbuilt. Slabs, pinched forms, and coils are in constant rotation. I enjoy the challenge of creatively solving problems of functionality. Each piece has a purpose. Some pots serve food or drink–others offer light and warmth. The act of shaping clay is a continuation of my work as an architectural designer, and provides a respite from digital work. I believe that skillfully crafted and well-considered objects are essential privileges in our daily lives. They slow us, center us, and provide pleasure in the small moments which add up to the monumental, extraordinary experience of life.